

Fillers are injectable treatments that can help add volume and smoothness to the skin, reducing the look of wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars. These treatments work by adding a hyaluronic acid-based gel under the skin, providing a natural-looking lift and fullness. They can be used on various areas of the face, including the cheeks, lips, under-eye area, jawline, and temples. We offer several filler options to help customize each treatment for individual needs and desired results. The procedure is quick, with minimal discomfort and little downtime. The effects of fillers can last from several months to over a year.

We offer:

  • Juvederm
  • Restylane
  • Versa
  • Kybella
  • Biofiller


Areas treated


10-20 units


By lifting and shaping the cheeks, fillers can help to minimize the appearance of laugh lines.

Under Eye

10-20 units


If you still have a tired appearance despite getting adequate sleep, fillers can help to minimize the hollowing under the eyes. The outcome is a more refreshed and bright appearance.


6-10 units


Whether you’re seeking a slight increase in lip volume or a more substantial enhancement, we offer a range of treatments to suit your needs. We’ll collaborate with you to determine the ideal filler based on your desired outcomes, adding a numbing cream before the treatment to ensure maximum comfort.

Lower Face / Chin / Jawline


A well-defined jawline can be achieved with fillers to add definition to the face.

Hand filler


The hands are among the earliest areas to display signs of aging. To achieve a more youthful and softer appearance, fillers can replenish the lost volume in the top of the hands.

Bio filler


Bio fillers are made of PRP processed into filler consistency that can be used to add volume to the area desired. It’s a natural alternative to your traditional fillers. You end up with more product to inject for a more comprehensive treatment.

Filler Dissolvant


If you are unhappy with the filler you received from another provider and feel that it was not done correctly, we can help! Schedule an appointment with us, and we can dissolve the filler for you.



Kybella is a non-surgical injectable treatment that can help reduce submental fullness, also known as a “double chin.” It contains deoxycholic acid, which helps break down and absorb fat cells in the treated area, resulting in a more contoured and defined jawline.

Bio Filler

Bio fillers are made of PRP processed into filler consistency that can be used to add volume to the area desired. It’s a natural alternative to your traditional fillers. You end up with more product to inject for a more comprehensive treatment.

Thrive wellness logo | Thrive Wellness in Cummings Hwy, Chattanooga, TN


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